Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter. - Ansel Adams

Friday, June 27, 2008

Short update on me :)

Well, I WAS doing better.... so I moved around a lot today b/c I wanted to clean the house up and surprise my hubby when he came in from work. So, I overdone it and now I'm hurting *boo* I got the living room totally cleaned, the dining room and our son's room.

Like... rearranged a rug and coffee table from the dining room to the living room, vacuumed all the rooms thoroughly, moved a billion (maybe two billion) toys around until I got his room looking cute again. Yeah, tons of stuff.

So now I just wanna lay down again and not move for like three days *lol* If only I had cleaned our bedroom and not worried about the dining room, b/c it needs it worse. I need to wash our bed clothes, pick up the floor/my desk, vacuum. Arrgh, I'm tired though!

Ok, so I'm off. Just wanted to update and say the scary stuff with the pregnancy stopped and she's been moving like CRAZY so we're relieved in knowing she's fine and dandy. ---gotta go finish supper to have it ready to surprise the hubby when he gets home, too. Man, I should get a new camera outta all of this or something ;-) *lol*

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Will be MIA again

Have to take it easy for a few days and lay around not doing too much, so therefore I wont be out and about taking photos. I'm in the bed on my hubby's laptop and I dont have ps on here so I cant even play with photos right now to share with you all. Hope to be back in a few days :)


Monday, June 23, 2008


No, not the movie....

Yesterday, one of my very best friends got married ♥ J and T have been together for four years (engaged for one) and they're such an amazing couple; amazing CHRISTIAN couple, at that! I was very, very honored to be the Matron-of-Honor in the Bridal Party and hope I lived up to the duties :-)

Their ceremony was lovely and they both looked very beautiful/handsome. Their reception was a bunch of fun! I loved hearing them being announced as Mr and Mrs, watching their first dance, seeing them cut their cake (way awesome, btw!) and all the other dancing, too!

I'm so beyond happy for the two of them and know that they'll have a wonderful relationship as husband and wife; and eventually, they'll make great parents. But as for now, they're on a weeklong honeymoon in Tennessee and I cannot wait to see their professional wedding photos when they return home and receive them.

L2R: Me, L, J, K and C. J & K are sisters and their little sister, E, was the flower girl!

Showing off her dress

Which was gorgeous!

Different edit

They dont call J 'Legs' for no reason ;-) *ha, ha*

Getting into her dress

There's T (at the very beginning of the ceremony), his brother T, & then K and JP. One of his other brothers was also a groomsmen, but isnt in this picture. Oh, and my two year old was the ring bearer but I dont his photos publicly online.

Aww! (My husband took this photo, and a few others, and then... my camera's battery died - NOOOO!!!!)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Forget Stella....

b/c it's MISTY who has got her groove back *ha, ha* Ran around outside yesterday and got these. Wish I could share them all but I got over 200 photos &, though not all are great, there's just waaaay too many to put here at once. So here are a few of my favorites. Comments?!! ;-)












Wednesday, June 18, 2008


So sorry for the lack of blog posts.

Last week, my husband's papaw passed away; so we had the viewing/funeral to attend on Tuesday and Wednesday.

I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday, also.

A group of friends and I threw our friend a Bachelorette Party on Saturday night.

Then on Father's Day, my uncle passed away.

Had rehearsal for my best friend's wedding on Monday.

I had my uncle's viewing yesterday and his funeral today.

Another doctor's appointment tomorrow.

Then the wedding (I'm the Matron-of-Honor *big grin*) on Sunday.

Needless to say, I've been SUPER busy; all of that on top of being a Wife and Mommy.

So again, I'm sorry.

I hope to get back to posting within the next week. Thanks for understanding :)

Monday, June 9, 2008


It's been really gorgeous outside the past few days; no rain = no mud *yay* It's just been super duper hot, but that's ok... because I dont like cold weather :P




^dont mind the powerlines.. it'd be such a pretty field otherwise!



Make a girl happy & comment...?!?!!!!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Thoughts/Prayers for the family, please.

My husband's papaw passed away Friday night. He was 87 years old and my hubby was SUPER close to him his whole life (he was our next door neighbor) so, as you can imagine, he's really sad. One thing that's helping my husband deal with this kind of good is that a few days before his papaw got really bad, he gave his life back to the Lord. Please just say a prayer or have a positive thought for the family right now, if ya dont care. His viewing is Tuesday and his funeral is Wednesday. Thanks.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Cardboard Testimonies

This seriously made me bawl. Love it!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

One thing I love....

Something that tickles my fancy (I sound old fashion *ha, ha*) is editing photos in Photoshop CS3. Just cant explain how much I love to experiment and just see what all I can do. I love actions, too, and have wrote a lot of my own.

This isnt my photo but I gave credit to the photographer (which is all they requested because it's a stock image; but goodness, they're good - love the pics of this girl & she's so pretty!!).

I liked her freckles a lot and in actual photographs I wont erase them all, but like I said... I was just playing to see what I could achieve (so nothing against freckles *whispers: I get a lot when I get out in the sun!*).

So here is just one edit, before and after. I plan to share a lot of before and after images in the future so be looking forward to that :-)

credit: binababy12

*comments welcome and appreciated*

Monday, June 2, 2008

Gone Fishin'

I went fishing with my husband and son yesterday at the lake.
I have twenty images to share; so it might take a minute to load them all. Please comment if you like any :-)


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